Frequently Asked Questions

How can I Help at School or in my Child’s Learning Area?

We welcome parents, caregivers and community members to join our team of helpers. There are so many ways that you can get involved with your child’s class and they do love it when their parents can help out. From time to time your child’s teacher may contact parents directly asking for assistance. Here is a list of ways in which you could assist with the successful operation of our school. Feel free to offer your help!



  • Assisting with Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP),
  • Sorting reading books,
  • Helping with Visual Arts,
  • Helping with the sustainable gardens and cooking,
  • Parent helper with Literacy / Maths groups in class,
  • Listening to children read.



  • EOTC Class trips,
  • Sports Coaching,*
  • AIMS Games Support (Yrs 7–8),
  • School Sports Days helpers,
  • EOTC School Camps (Yrs 5–8),
  • Lunch Room helpers,
  • Assisting with the School Production,
  • Helping on Working Bees,
  • Helping with Art and Craft activities,
  • Making teaching resources,
  • Library work,
  • Fundraising events – even if you are not part of Hobbies Whānau & Friends Committee.

*If interested in becoming a sports coach please contact: or



If you have put yourself forward to coach one of our sports teams, are a parent helper on a school camp or are assisting with other activities or outings for the school. We require by law that you are Police checked. So please download and fill out the POLICE VETTING FORM below, then bring the completed application along with two forms of identification (see the User Guide below for accepted ID) to the school office or email it to: Please allow for two weeks processing time. Thank you for helping the school!




Without fundraising we could not make the extra improvements needed to better our school. We run many events throughout the year and are always looking for volunteers to offer their time, skills or ideas. If you feel you would like to contribute in some way please get in touch with us. We also have a fantastic parent fundraising group Hobby’s Whānau & Friends who always welcome new members.

To find out more contact:

How can I make a Donation to the School?

If you, a family member or your company would like to make a financial contribution to our school, please contact our Accounts & Payroll Administrator: for more details. We are very grateful for any donation to help better our school environment for our students. If you have contacts willing to donate or assist with fundraising please also contact the school.

When are the Open Days for New Students?

For our 5 year olds starting school on the first day of term 1, an open morning is available for parents to attend. It is led by our Principal, Deputy Principal and Learning Leaders, followed by a school tour. You’ll be given opportunities to ask questions, information about your child’s transition to school and an Enrolment Pack. If your child is starting with us at another time during the school year, (new entrant or new student) please make an appointment with the office (at least 4 weeks prior) to meet with our Principal or Deputy Principals for a school introduction and tour. We know that transitioning to school or starting a new school can be a big step for any child, so we aim to make the process as simple, seamless and as undaunting as possible.

To book a school meeting, email:
Other school Open Days: ORIENTATION >
Enrol your child: ENROLMENT >

What are the School Hours?

During the week the school gate is open to students from 8.15am. The first bell rings at 8.50am so by 9.00am students are resourced and settled in their class for roll call. The gates are then closed and all visitors must report to the school office.


MORNING TEA: 11.00am – 11.40am
LUNCH: 1.10pm – 1.50pm (Wednesday’s ONLY: 1.10pm – 2.10pm)
SCHOOL DAY ENDS: 3.00pm (NB: Students, not at HobbyCare or in sports practices, should have left the school grounds by 3.15pm).

How do I report an Absent Child?

If a child is absent for any reason, parents are asked to contact the school by 9.00am. Please remember to leave your child’s name, room number and reason for absence. We have several ways to report an absent child:

How do I update a change of Address, other Family Details or my Child's Health Information?

It is very important that the school has on record your most current home address and contact details, so if they change please fill out the ‘Update Family Details’ form below and either hand in or email to the office. Equally if your child has or develops any medical condition requiring medication, please complete a ‘Student Medicine Authority & Action Plan’ and email to:


What is KINDO Shop used for?

Our preferred method for all school related payments are with KINDO, a secure online payment system.

YOU CAN PAY FOR: school donations, EOTC activities & class trips, optional activities, sports registration, school lunches, house t-shirts and Whānau & Friends (PTC) fundraising, simply by using your credit card or internet banking.

For more information: KINDO SHOP >

Something Troubling You?

If you have any issue or concerns about your child that you would like to discuss, in the first instance email or make an appointment to chat with your child’s teacher and/or the Head of your child’s learning area.

If you feel that your issue or concern has not been dealt with sufficiently or to your satisfaction, then please make an appointment to discuss it further with the Principal or Deputy Principal. Please book your appointment by phoning our Office Administrator on: (09) 416 8619 ext 200 or email to:

What are your Mobile Phone and BYOD Policies?

We DO NOT permit our students to use mobile phones during the school day. If a student has a phone or smartwatch it must be handed into the office before 9.00am and can be collected again at the end of the day at 3.00pm.

We are a NO BYOD school, as we have sufficient tablets and laptops for our students to use.

To learn more see our: DIGI-TECH SCHOOL POLICY >

Do you have a School Uniform?

Hobsonville School has a compulsory school uniform, so please ensure that your child wears it correctly with all items clearly named. Black or navy blue shoes or sandals for the summer months are to be worn (no jandals or boots) and socks can be white, navy blue or black. In terms 1 and 4 our Sun Policy compliant hats are also compulsory. If a hat isn’t worn the student must remain in the classroom during the breaks. You can purchase uniform through our supplier ArygyleOnline.

Order uniform here: ARGYLEONLINE >

Where can I purchase and view School Stationery requirements?

Stationery is required for every student at the start of a new school year. If a student starts half way through the year, please consult your child’s teacher for what is needed. We are part of the OfficeMax School Rewards Programme and are rewarded simply by our families purchasing back-to-school stationery or home office supplies. The school can use the rewards towards extra classroom supplies or for students in need. If you wish to purchase the stationery elsewhere, a list for your child’s year can be obtained from the OfficeMax website.

View and/or purchase stationery requirements: MYSCHOOL >

What if my child has Lost Property?

Clothing left at school is collected and stored in a large container in the office near the Health Room (sick bay) or check in your child’s learning space. Please name all school clothing as this makes it easier to retrieve lost items. Any unclaimed items are sold by our parent PTC committee, Whānau & Friends, at the end of each term to help raise funds for the school. Smaller valuables, for example, glasses are held at the office.

Do you operate a School Zone?

To preserve the current optimum size of our school, we operate an enrolment zone scheme. Students living inside our school zone have automatic entitlement to enrolment. If you are not in-zone, refer to our OUT-OF-ZONE ENROLMENTS section to see if you meet one of the priorities.


What is the School Donation?

School donations are an essential component of our budget to help supplement and maintain the high standard of facilities and educational opportunities available at Hobsonville School. The cost is $50.00 per student per term ($200 per year or $190 if paid by end of term 1) and preferably paid through KINDO. A receipt will be issued for tax refund purposes.

For more information click here: SCHOOL FEES >

Where do I find Teacher Contact Details?

If you wish to contact your child’s teacher or the Senior Leadership Team you can do so by email. If you wish to set up a meeting with a teacher after hours please email them to arrange a convenient time.


Concerns or Complaints Procedure

If you have any concerns or complaints you wish to raise, Hobsonville School has strict procedures in place to ensure a timely, satisfactory and fair outcome for ALL parties concerned. Please read our complaints procedure thoroughly BEFORE addressing your issue.


To view our complaints procedure please do the following:

  1. GO TO: SCHOOLDOCS >  (Username & Password: HOBSONVILLE)
  2. FROM HOME MENU SELECT: Employer Responsibility Policy
  3. SELECT: Concerns and Complaints
  4. READ THOROUGHLY: All the procedures and ‘Guidelines for Raising Concerns’ — as outlined in this section.